Family Time

We spent a lot of time just hanging out together. 
Watching Christmas Vacation on TV - "Save the neck for me, Clark!"

Lovie and SG whipped up another pumpkin pie for Charlie! He ate two pumpkin pies by himself! 

Another round of Monopoly! 

Sis was working on a project where you make really huge bubbles by blowing onto a cloth with dish soap. She had made huge bubbles and was quite pleased with her project when she accidentally inhaled instead of exhaling! She inhaled the bubble mixture getting the terrible soap taste in her mouth and swallowing some. It went into her lungs and then as she coughed and coughed, bubbles came out! I couldn't help but laugh, which made her feel worse! Fortunately, drinking water and a magical fruit roll up made it all better!

Our Thanksgiving was relaxing and a good time together. 



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