Letter Month Eleven
Dear Charlie,
Eleven months old and what a big boy you are becoming. You are no longer a little baby and are definitely becoming a fiercely determined toddler. How did it happen so quick and who said you could grow up on us? The time has flown by, but we love every second with you.
You pull up all over the place and let go for brief moments. You definitely cruise around with ease and when moving from object to object you will let go over one and lunge over to the next. You climb up and down the stairs with ease! You are starting to think about climbing other objects, but you haven't quite figured it out yet. Your sister must be teaching you these climbing tricks!
Most of your play involves exploring around the house and usually finding something you shouldn't have! You love to try to eat chalk and you are ecstatic when you get your hands on the remote! The fan in my room has a remote and ou love to turn it on and off and adjust the light! You get the biggest grin when you grab your sister's lovie or her paci! You immediately put the paci in your mouth and grin to show us that you have it! You have discovered the kitchen cabinets and love to pull things out! I can get a lot done if I let you pull everything out of a cabinet, or better yet, let you have a box of Ziploc bags to pull out!
You sign for more and to nurse. I love it when you look me square in the eye and sign that you want to nurse. You are starting to say da da more often and we think you may refer to me as ba ba. You wave at everyone and we think you may be saying bye bye. You can be aggressive when you want our attention. You will pull my hair or slap my face if I'm not looking at you or talking to you! We have to work on that! You already had the habit of sort of pinching or kneading skin with your fingers as a soothing thing (that hurts!) and now the hitting and hair pulling are just too much. You also grab glasses and cell phones!
Lucky for you, we think you are pretty adorable. Your hair is curly in the back and the humidity makes it very curly. I can't get enough of it! With your fat cheeks, pudgy hands, and gorgeous, fat thighs it is all I can do not to kiss you constantly! Your growth is starting to slow down and you wear mostly a 12/18 months clothing and sometimes a 24 months. You don't wear shoes lately (why cover up those precious baby toes!), so I'm not sure what size shoe you wear!
You are loving solid foods. Meat is still your preference over all other and you enjoy veggies, too. Fruits and grains are definitely not as exciting to you, but you do eat them. I would say that you have a hearty appetite and are a well-rounded eater. It definitely makes it easy and fun to take you to a restaurant! On the other hand, you have really lost your interest in taking milk from the bottle. You just don't really want to sit around doing that. You still nurse some and probably nurse more during the day than you are willing to take a bottle. I am prepared for you to wean in the next few months and that will be okay. The goal was always to get you through the first year and then as long after that as you still wanted it.
You are a happy guy! You are delighted with yourself when you learn something new. You readily clap for yourself or when others are clapping. You have learned to put the brush up to your hair when I ask you to brush your hair, which is very cute. You understand a lot of what we say to you even if you choose not to follow the request. In the mornings you often wake up in our bed and if I tell you to go find daddy, you will start crawling into the bathroom saying, "da da da da." I'm pretty sure it melts your daddy's heart when you do that!
You are loved by so many! I just can't tell you how precious we think you are. We love you so much and enjoy having you as part of our family. Your sweet toothy skies lights up my day! I can't wait to see the joy you find in all the things you have yet to see and do. I feel so fortunate to be along for the ride as your momma.
You pull up all over the place and let go for brief moments. You definitely cruise around with ease and when moving from object to object you will let go over one and lunge over to the next. You climb up and down the stairs with ease! You are starting to think about climbing other objects, but you haven't quite figured it out yet. Your sister must be teaching you these climbing tricks!
Most of your play involves exploring around the house and usually finding something you shouldn't have! You love to try to eat chalk and you are ecstatic when you get your hands on the remote! The fan in my room has a remote and ou love to turn it on and off and adjust the light! You get the biggest grin when you grab your sister's lovie or her paci! You immediately put the paci in your mouth and grin to show us that you have it! You have discovered the kitchen cabinets and love to pull things out! I can get a lot done if I let you pull everything out of a cabinet, or better yet, let you have a box of Ziploc bags to pull out!
You are loved by so many! I just can't tell you how precious we think you are. We love you so much and enjoy having you as part of our family. Your sweet toothy skies lights up my day! I can't wait to see the joy you find in all the things you have yet to see and do. I feel so fortunate to be along for the ride as your momma.