Letter Month Forty-Two

Dear Sarah Graves,
It feels like I blinked and here you are three and a half years old!  It is simply amazing!  I keep thinking of you as a roly poly baby, but you are a little girl with long legs, long hair for me to braid, and a lot of giggles!  You are very enthusiastic about life and it makes it so fun!
When you turned three, you started going to Sunday school and Children's Chapel.  You were nervous about both, but now you love going and can't wait for it to start again in the fall.  I am so excited to see you learning about God and asking questions.  You attended Spirit Week this year and LOVED it!  I don't think I have seen you so excited about anything!  You loved the songs and came home singing them for us.  I was so happy for you to have that kind of joy!
We had a long winter and spring with all of us sick A LOT.  It felt like as soon as we got over one virus we had another.  Our whole family was sick for several weeks straight and it really made life hard.  Lovie and Aunt Nay helped out a lot with you and Charlie while Daddy and I were so sick.  I think that left you feeling sad and we had a tough time getting along.  We were all unhappy and fortunately found a parenting resource to teach me some new things to be a better mommy.  It helped me learn how to listen to your upsets and give you special time to make us feel more connected.  You seem to really like these things and our life has run a lot smoother.
Your teacher at school noticed that you were straining to do close up work at school, so we went to the eye doctor.  It turns out that your left eye is very far sighted.  He prescribed glasses to help correct it and keep you from straining so much.  You have been wearing them pretty well.  Charlie love to grab them and they get banged up pretty often, but you don't seem to mind them.  You have been concerned about your friends not wearing glasses and princesses not having glasses.  It broke my heart when you told me you couldn't be a princess because they don't wear glasses.  You are every bit a princess with glasses!
In May you made the transition from Early Preschool to Preschool.  We both had to adjust to new teachers and new friends and you are learning so much!  You are really interested in learning to write.  You recognize many letters and you can right some of them.  You love playing at your chalkboard or trying to write letters to people.  Sometimes you make letters and sometimes it is more interpretive.  You count quite well now and recognize most of your numbers.  You recently asked me why we park on five every day instead of parking on 3!  I was a bit surprised that you were paying attention to the signs and knew your numbers, then I was curious why it matters.  I should have known that you are three, so you prefer the number three!  You are also learning Spanish and know most of your colors and your numbers.  You have been very focused on practicing cutting with scissors and have become quite steady at it.  You are starting to try to color inside the lines and you know how to hold a pencil or crayon properly.  Your fine motor coordination has really come along!
You finished the year of ballet at the recital.  You looked absolutely precious and you thoroughly enjoyed doing the tap dance!  You got excited when you saw us in the audience and came running toward us.  When the announcer guided you back to your seat you were so embarrassed!  I felt so bad for you and wished I could go up on stage and give you a hug.  You got over your embarrassment and put on a great performance!
You also completed your second year of Music Together!  I have been pleased to see that you now make up your own words to the songs to fit the situation!  You know the tune and just sing along with your words!  I take that as evidence that you do enjoy going to music even if you sometimes seem distracted in class.
Kate remains one of your favorite toys along with your toy lovie.  We have lots of fun celebrating Kate's birthday, taking her to the beach, and changing her diaper!  You love all things birthday!  During special time you love to get all of the things packed up for us to go on a train, a plane, or car for a pretend outing!  You really enjoy watching TV and love to watch Doc McStuffins, Sofia the First, and Mickey Mouse Club.  You really like princesses and your favorites seem to be Cinderella and Ariel.  You are really looking forward to being a princess for Halloween!  You are definitely a planner and have your own opinions about what you like and how you want to look!
You truly love your brother.  You wake up pretty early most mornings and I think it is just so you can have the chance to see that baby before he goes for the day!  You like to see him riding in the car next to you and report to us if he has fallen asleep!  You are also very thoughtful to make sure he has his paci, but you get a little annoyed if he takes your paci or your toy lovie!  You play peek-a-boo with him and like for him to say, "aaahhh."
You still take a paci and you are very attached to it!  You don't have it at school at all anymore, but you love to have it at home.  I know you are getting too big to have it anymore, but it also seems like a little thing that makes you very happy.
You are definitely my buddy and like to be with me as often as you can.  I like having you with me and one of the best treats is to have breakfast with you in the cafeteria at my office.  Your vocabulary is growing all the time and you hold conversation like a grown up.  You are sweet and affectionate whispering, "I love you" and "to the moon and back" in my ear and always wanting one more kiss.  We have our disagreements, that is for sure, but we seem to understand each other in a special way.  I hope that you always feel the strength of my love and know how funny, smart, and beautiful I think you are.  I am forever grateful to be your momma.


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