A New Class
SG started in Preschool 3 with Ms. Ann and Ms. Tiffany back in May. We didn't know any of the preschool teachers and went with the recommendation from the other teachers. I quickly felt we didn't have a great match, but there wasn't anything to really complain about, so we stayed in the class. Her teachers frequently vented to me in the evening about the challenges of the day and I did my best to empathize, but had a deep concern that maybe they weren't able to see all of her strengths and positives if they were so focused on the difficulties.
Last week I received a call from her Early Preschool teacher who has moved on to teach Pre-K and SG just adores this lady. She had been called in to talk to SG on a day when she and her teacher weren't getting along and she was really struggling. Our beloved teacher suggested that we needed to moved SG because her new teacher just wasn't able to adapt her style to work well with SG.
I was very concerned that possibly she had been in a class where she didn't feel good or valued and I felt bad about her going to school possibly feeling that way. I reached out to the administration and they agreed that a change could be good. In fact, her lead teacher mentioned that she had been planning to suggest this also. So, she changed classes on Tuesday and although I don't expect perfection, things seem to be going smoothly. Her new teachers are Mr. Jason and Ms. Sharon. Several of her good friends are in this class, so she felt at home pretty quickly. 

Jude was a buddy of hers in Early Preschool and she seemed truly delighted to be back in his class!
I love this as proof that iPad play really does teach them things! I have a Montessori app for teaching beginner geometry and we have talked about spheres and circles being similar.