Racing Family

Aaron's new company participated in a 5K on Saturday evening for the city of Alpharetta's Rotary Club.  It had rained nearly all day and we weren't sure if they would really go through with it or not.  I got the kids dressed in pants and jackets (is it really August in the South this summer?) ready for a soggy ride.
We met up with the team from his office and it was nice to have a chance to meet some of these new folks Aaron is working with now.

We thought we might leave early if the rain continued, but we found ponchos to put over the kids and decided to hang in there with the team.  Sarah Graves was excited for a race!
When the race started, something strange came over Aaron and me and we began to run.  We were with the pack and running along like we actually do more exercise than playing with two small kids!  I found myself laughing because who waits until a 5K to decide they might run a bit!  That lasted for nearly a mile and then we hit a long uphill stretch and were reminded that we aren't runners!  
Then, we really got back to ourselves and noticed a pizza place along the route and decided to steer our strollers in for a pizza dinner (he promised Sarah Graves we would get pizza for dinner and it was already after 8).  

We left Charlie's bib in the car and had to make do with him wearing Sissy's!  He makes a cute girl!  We enjoyed our pizza and left quickly since the natives were restless!  It was a fun evening.  I don't think we will take up running any time soon, but you never know...


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