Bye Bye, Shreveport!

Sunday morning, we had time for a leisurely breakfast with Grancy and Ger Ger before we headed back to the airport.  We knew it would be a short trip, but it definitely did not feel like enough time.

We couldn't get everyone looking in one picture, so between the two we come close!

This is what it looks like traveling with two young kids...
Charlie rides in the Ergo while I push SG in the stroller and both diaper bags are on the stroller.  

Aaron wheels the suitcase and carries both carseats.  We make our way to check the bags as quick as we can!  Aaron used to worry about checking the carseats, but he has gotten over that fear now that we have two to haul!

We have really been blessed that these kids travel very well.  Charlie usually sleeps on the plane and both of them do well napping in the car.  It is still a lot of work, but we are so thankful that we haven't had major meltdowns and what not while flying.  


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