SG - School & Fun!

The start of school is also the start of other fun activities!
We kicked off our Girl Scout year with a get together dinner and planning meeting. The girls are missing Anna Grace after she moved away to Brunswick. 

Chapel with my favorite girl!

You outing to an Escape Room and ice cream at Jenny's! 

Spirit week house shirt day. Charlie is in Grace and SG is in Belonging. Similar to Harry Pottery they compete all year in various activities to earn points for their house and the house with the most points gets a special field trip!

Team shirt day for spirit week!

Hat day! 

For another Girl Scout meeting they earned their Secret agent badge. Learning about blood splatter was fun! 

Choir performances paid off with beautiful singing!

We had a fun girls night going to Taylor Swift's Eras movie! Sarah Graves knew all the words and so much about Taylor's music! I had no idea she is such a Swifty!

Sarah Graves surprised us with a flute solo playing "Be Our Guest" at the fall festival! I had no idea she could play it so well!

The 7th and 8th grade band treated us to. some other Halloween favorites like the theme from Hocus Pocus and Harry Potter. 

Lovie and Pops are always there to cheer her on at whatever she does!

Eighth grade is going so well for Sarah Graves! She and her friend Lana are editors of the yearbook; she is serving as head of the sacristy for chapel; and she is keeping busy with events for Beta Club. She stays busy, but having her friends there with her makes these activities a lot of fun!



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