Charlie - School & Fun!

Charlie is loving fifth grade!
Here he is in his upper school chap uniform with a real tie that has to be tied!

First time serving as an acolyte this year.

He doesn't look thrilled, but he does enjoy being in Tomorrow's Promise choir at church. 

While Aaron adn SG were camping, Charlie and I had a great time going to the Smyrna Birthday Celebration with Lovie and Pops! Charlie's education in 90's music continued with performances by The Wallflowers and The GooGoo Dolls! 

The concert was fantastic!

The fireworks after were great too!

For spirit week they had a day to wear a shirt for their house. It really only needed to be the color for their house, but Charlie had visions of a shirt with the crest for his. We worked hard and found designs that matched the crest and put it all together! It was a fun project to do with him!
The houses are similar to Harry Potter where students were sorted into their house, stay with that house throughout their time in upper school, houses earn points, and the house with the most points at the end of the year wins an extra field trip!

Hat day during spirit week!

Charlie just adores his homeroom teacher, Ms. Whipple! She is very kind and does a great job sharing pictures of what they work on in school. 

Science definitely steps up in fifth grade and they learn about lab safety and do experiments!

I am so happy that he is really enjoying this year! He is challenged, has fun, and has a great group of friends to do it with!



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