Fall Sports for Charlie

As a fifth grader Charlie was eligible to run Cross Country and he really enjoyed it! 

Lots of fun to run with great coaches and friends!

His #1 fans!

Trail run Wednesdays!

Even when soaking wet running in the rain, they have fun!

His interest at practice and hard work paid off earning him the award of "Most Improved Mile" at their award ceremony! 

Charlie also had a fantastic season playing fall baseball on the AAA Red Wings! He played first base and pitched! I was so nervous for him to have all the pressure of pitchings and he did awesome! 

First practice

His team did not win the championship, which was very disappointing. In their final game Charlie pitched two of the four innings and he did great! He also had some great at bats and was able to help his team score!
More than how he played, I am so proud that he spoke up to ask for the positions he wanted, and how hard he worked at practice and in the evenings to work on his skills to keep getting better. That kind of grit is worth so much!



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