Charlie at Strong Rock

Just before camp Charlie got cold feet and did not want to go. We talked about it; he shed some tears; and we remembered all the things that are fun about camp. The day it was time to head to camp, he was fine. 
Camp bound! Firehouse subs so he is filed up before drop off!

He was so eager for drop off that he almost didn't say goodbye!

Sis pulled him in for a hug and a pic.

He loves wiffle ball!

Overnight camp out with his cabin

working on model rocketry

Canteen time!

Ready for battle against Awahila tribe

The final verdict was that camp activities were fun; he really enjoys gaga ball; playing wiffle ball was great; and model rocketry continues to be a lot of fun! His cabin mates were very rowdy and disrespectful making it overall not a great time. I think he is okay to try a different camp experience next summer. 



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