Sunday at the Aquarium

What to do when you're waiting for a baby brother who is taking his sweet time?  Sunday we headed to the aquarium for a great day.   SG insisted on wearing her fish dress to go see the fish and she was so much fun!

It was not very crowded and we had the penguins to ourselves, which is rare.  

 She is always fascinated by the jellyfish.  They are neat to see and kind of glow.  

 She and Daddy were checking out the tropical fish.  

She was in such a good mood that we decided to give the 3-D Deepo show a try.  She sat on Daddy's lap and took it all in!  Granted, it's short, but she isn't known to sit for long!

 We enjoyed a delicious lunch before heading over to Centennial Olympic Park.   The weather was so wonderful for Georgia in mid August.  We enjoyed a walk in the park and then found an ice cream truck!  She was pooped by the time we headed home and fell asleep before we exited the parking garage.  Not a bad way to pass the time waiting for Chubby!


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