Letter Month Thirty

Dear Sarah Graves,
I simply can't believe that you are now two and a half years old!  You are growing up so much and becoming so independent.  You even know that your birthday is January 21st, although you frequently make any day possibly your birthday!  Your independence has led us to show you how to do a lot for yourself and you now can dress yourself pretty well with a little guidance to remember that the tag goes in the back.
The last six months have brought a lot of changes for you and you have adjusted well.  In March we began potty training.  It has been slow going, but you embraced the idea of no more diapers.  You have become pretty reliable for going pee pee on the potty, but poop has been a bigger challenge.  We are taking it day by day and you are making progress.  A video called, "Potty Power" made a huge difference and you are proud to tell us about your potty power.
In May we transitioned you out of your crib into a big girl bed.  You took to it easily and seem to be happy sleeping in it.  With the big girl bed came new furniture for your room, so that we could move the nursery furniture over to your soon to be brother's room.  I thought you might feel possessive of the things that had been yours for so long, but you immediately liked the idea of his room and were happy to think about him sleeping in the crib.
Speaking of your brother, you gave him the nickname "Chubby" early on and it has stuck.  Sometimes it is Chubby Wubby, but you always call him Chubby.  You have been so excited about having a new baby and we talk often of the things that you will be able to do with him.  Kissing his toes is at the top of the list.  Sometimes you complain that you want Chubby to come now and I can only imagine how long the wait must feel to you.
At the end of May we made another big change and you started attending school at Little Aprons Academy on the Home Depot campus.  The start was rough and you missed your routine with Lovie, but you have adjusted to it.  Your teachers, Ms. Marlene and Ms. Erica, have positive things to say about how capable you are and how well you get along with the other kids.  You made friends with Annabelle and Sidney and the three of you seem to be good buddies.  You aren't too fond of the food they provide, but it has encouraged you to taste new things.
Speaking of food, you are still very picky.  You don't like meat, except you have begun to eat some bacon.  Daddy says it's the gateway meat!  You don't care for fresh fruits or vegetables either, so your diet is mostly carbohydrates with a little dairy thrown in.  Your favorite foods right now are definitely grits and ice cream.  You ask for them all the time!
We went for your first dentist appointment and you did so well.  You opened your mouth wide and let him look inside even though I know you were anxious.  Your teeth looked good and he encouraged you to keep up your brushing.  You still take your paci to go to sleep and would like to have it all the time, you love it so much.  He said it hasn't harmed your teeth any, so we will continue to have it at bedtime.
You are still an awesome sleeper.  You sleep about 11 hours at night and usually go to bed between 7:30 and 8 o'clock.  You enjoy your nap and take about a three hour nap on the weekends and about a two hour nap at school.  Adjusting your nap was one of the harder parts of transitioning to school for you.
Developmentally, the biggest change has been how much you talk.  You speak in sentences and express not just wants and needs, but ideas and concepts.  I think that has been one of the amazing transitions to watch you go through.  You relate situations and feelings and tell me about things that you did and how you felt.  You still call me BaBa sometimes, but you are gradually using Momma more often.  You say some other words so cute that I hate to see the day when you begin to say them correctly, like mashed toes for mashed potatoes and pgs for pjs.
As always, I feel so privileged to watch you go from being a tiny baby to a toddler with so much personality and such a love for other people.  It is truly a gift and I am so grateful for it.  I look forward to watching you take on the role of big sister and sharing so much love with your little brother.
Love always,



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