Baby Sprinkle

 I have some really sweet co-workers who got together and gave us a Baby Sprinkle on Friday afternoon.  I had never heard of a sprinkle before, but it is a small shower for a mom who has already had one or more babies and only needs small things like clothes.  My co-workers gave us a shower for Sarah Graves and I felt bad to have another full out shower, but a sprinkle seemed like a nice way to celebrate Chubby's much anticipated arrival!
 Ms. Algia just adores Sarah Graves and was a big part of putting this sprinkle together.  Sarah Graves refers to her as Ms. Gia.

 They played the game where everyone takes a piece of string and tries to guess how much is needed to go around me.  My director, Joe, came the closest because he made his very short and was the only one who didn't go over!
 Here are some of the members of my team, the Organizational Effectiveness team.  
 Sarah Graves was just precious throughout the event and was so excited to help with the presents.  They showed her how to hold the item up for everyone to see as she took them out of the bag.  She was happy to open the presents for Chubby, but got so excited when they showed her that a couple were for her!
 She is such an excited big sister to be!

They put together decorations and goodies and made it feel very special.
Hopefully, this is our last picture as a family of three and what a great one it is!


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