Coming Home

I am still working on the birth story, but thought I would start posting some of the other goings on since Chubby made his entrance into the world.
We expected to b at the hospital for just over 24 hours and were prepared to go home first thing Saturday morning.  About 1 a.m. on Saturday our nurse came in to check his billirubin levels for jaundice.  We went back to sleep until about 4:30 a.m. when the pediatric resident showed up asking about numbers of wet and poopy diapers.  At that point, I got up and decided to shower and start getting ready.
When our new nurse came on shift at 7, she rushed in and made mention of the billirubin level being high and needing to do blood work.  I was a little confused because that was the first we had heard of it and at that point, I realized we might be there a while.  The first round of blood work came back a little high at 8.9, so they wanted to wait and check it again in a few hours.  Aaron had brought Sarah Graves up to the hospital to take Charlie home and she started to get a little rambunctious in the room, so Lovie took her back to her house and we waited.  Waiting around a hospital room makes the time pass very slowly, especially when your baby sleeps.  Charlie slept with his belly exposed to the sun in an effort to break up the billirubin and help the jaundice.

The second round of blood work showed that the level was 9.6 and still considered stable, so we had the all clear to go home.  The all clear does not mean that you are walking out of the hospital.  It takes time to get all the paperwork ready, go over all the discharge information, get someone to transport Charlie and I out of the hospital, and finally we were free to go home!

When we reached home, Lovie and Pops had Sarah Graves waiting at our house with dinner ready, too!  Home felt so good to us and Sarah Graves was beside herself excited to see Charlie again.



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