Sandy Days

Our first night at the beach, we were excited to see a restaurant we had tried and liked opened a new location right across the street with a nice outside eating area. We enjoyed our fried shrimp! Later that night, Jeanne' came to get me because she was having an allergic reaction. Aaron went with her to the ER and they took care of her, but she had to stay on steroids and antihistamines all week to help her recover. And now she knows she is allergic to both lobster and shellfish! Who would have thought! The ER didn't take too long, so they were able to come home and get some sleep before the kids were all up and going. 

 Playing some toss on the beach. The weather was beautiful! Not too hot and a light breeze!

Sarah Graves had a great time building this sand chair! She built a footrest to make sure it was comfy!

Charlie was eager to try it out.

 Livy didn't remember being at the beach before and she was so happy to get in the sand.She did some sand baking and made a bundt cake!

Sis made an ice cream!

 Then we were off to the pool!

After our fun day, we got cleaned up to go out to dinner. On a whim we tried a local Italian restaurant called Ali's Bistro and the food was delicious! The kids were so good and it was a really happy time!


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