Meet the Teachers

 Then it was time to meet the teachers and see the classrooms! Both kids were really excited to see what was in store for the new school year! I miss that excitement of starting fresh and the possibility of a new year!

Charlie got really nervous. Not sure if it was anxiety about meeting the new teacher or just overwhelmed with how crowded and noisy the halls were as everyone excitedly greeted one another after summer away. He handled it way better than he did a few years ago, so there is progress. 
Here he is with Ms. Kindrick, one of his first grade teachers.

Sarah Graves has a big classroom and was really excited to see where it was! They moved 4th grade back to the lower school building, so a lot of shifting took place to make space for three classes of 4th graders. They are back on the hall where they were for 2nd grade!

Lovie came to help me manage getting the kids to their classrooms and meeting the teachers.

 The school had a happy hour at McCray's and it was more time to greet friends after the summer!

This night set the tone for a fun school year!


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