Beach Birthday!

Aaron's birthday fell during our beach trip and gave us time to celebrate this guy who means so much to us!
After taking Jeanne' for a quick bit of physical therapy for a bad back, he brought home birthday doughnuts! I attempted a pancake breakfast for him, but just for the life of me could not get the stove right to cook decent pancakes! Even on his birthday, he found a way to make it good for all of us!

A little more pool time! They never get tired of coming up with new and crazy things to try.

We had a yummy dinner of fried shrimp (not Jeanne' :)) at our favorite, Floyd's!

Then, we were off to the magic show! Aaron found out about this and thought it could be a fun activity to celebrate his birthday! It was definitely engaging!

When the magician called out for any birthdays in the audience, the kids were so excited to point Aaron out! He was not excited, but a good sport!

He was able to help saw the woman in half!

Charlie was so excited to get picked to go on stage, but was a little nervous when it was time to cut off his head! I was really impressed at his courage to raise his hand, get on stage, and tell them his name! 
I recently asked the kids about something they were just too afraid to do or try and Charlie told me that his drama teacher, Mr. Freeman, had helped him overcome his one fear, stage fright, by picking him to have a solo part in the kindergarten play. That melted my heart to think that at his young age he can feel fearless.

After the show, showing off their fun personalities at Harbor Walk!

We came home to do a little birthday celebration! I might have messed up the pancakes, but I managed to bake a tasty cake!

Charlie made a special card that was very "Charlie" with strings to pull and make it open!

Sarah Graves spent weeks coloring a very detailed picture for daddy!

Livy wanted to be in on the giving action and she found a brochure to give him!

A picture of all four of us feeling so much happiness for Aaron on his birthday!

I made this birthday banner that I thought was pretty cool with clips to hold pictures of Aaron with people special to him. 

After cake and presents Aaron settled in to play with his telescope and some of us enjoyed a round of marble game!

Learning to be a good sport is a hard lesson. I'm still working on it and so are Charlie and Livy. Having time to play games is pretty fun and I love teaching them this one that was a favorite when I was growing up!


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