
A couple of weeks ago Sarah Graves made the transition to preschool.  Two of her friends from her early preschool class moved with her and she seems to be doing well.  She would still like for me to stay with her each day, but these teachers kindly pick her up and try to get her engaged in an activity. 
When she made the move, her paci stayed in her other classroom for the new babies coming in.  I think she had a tough time going to sleep the first few days, but her teacher rubbed her back and she was okay.  I was pleasantly surprised! 
She is working on all sorts of new skills in her new class, the biggest is learning to write her name!  She isn't there yet, but her letter and number recognition are making big strides.  She loves the idea of being able to write, so I'm sure it won't take her long!  They continue to practice Spanish in this class and the sprayground has just opened up for summer water play!  This class uses the big playground with a tall slide and she is excited to see her friends Annabelle and Kirthi from a different class on the playground.  She is also delighted to see her favorite teacher, Ms. Marlene, out on the playground most days!  Overall, I think she likes her class. 


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