
Charlie had his nine month check-up with Dr. Maun a couple of weeks ago.  Overall, he is doing just great.  His weight is 21 pounds, 13 ounces (78th percentile), height is 29 inches (63rd percentile), and head circumference is 18 1/4 (84th percentile). 
He is hitting all of his milestones and happily showed off some of them for the nurse.  He is eating, playing, and dirtying diapers just the way they would expect.  The pediatrician continues to tell me that he is nursing so much at night because he is waiting for his time with me.  Perhaps she could dig the knife in my heart a bit more!  She means well and at least it sort of explains why he is taking little milk during the day and nursing like a pro at night. 
He had his DTaP vaccine and was scheduled for a rotavirus, but we are so off schedule that he passed the age range for it!  We are trying to get caught up from all those months when we stayed sick and didn't do shots. 


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