Letter Month Ten

Dear Charlie,

Ten months old just doesn’t seem possible!  This time last year we were putting the final touches on your nursery and trying to imagine what our life would be like with you outside of me.  Here you are ten months old and growing every day and just bursting with life.  Your smile is infectious and you bring so much joy to all of us. 
While you may not look a lot like me, your love of meat tells me that you are definitely mine!  You love any kind of meat!  Steak, chicken, pork, fish, sausage, you love it all.  When you are feeding yourself meat, you drop none of it.  Fruits and veggies seem to be a different story.  One day you will like sweet potatoes a lot and the next day you aren’t interested.  It goes like that for carrots, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, strawberries, bananas, cherries, and peaches, too.   Your enjoyment of food seems to be making you desire less milk, especially during the day from the bottle.  You seem to have dropped a feeding entirely and now only take a few ounces during the day.  You still want to nurse at night, so I don’t think you are weaning cold turkey, thank goodness!  I enjoy that snuggly time when you are sleeping and peacefully nursing.
Sleep is still a struggle for you.  You seem to be taking a morning nap most days, so that is some improvement.  The afternoon nap and the evening sleep are still more hit or miss.  Some days you are very tired and go down with little fuss and other nights it takes a long time of us working with you.  You still wake up quickly after falling asleep and need help to go back to sleep. 
As expected, your growth is starting to slow down a bit now.  You are wearing a size 12 or 18 month clothing most of the time.  You are just adorable in your swimsuit showing off your cute baby bod!  You will not leave a hat or sunglasses on no matter how bright it is.  You typically don’t wear shoes now that it is warm, but I think you wear a size 4 right now. 
You are pulling up on everything and able to cruise all around from thing to thing.  You are also climbing the stairs very eagerly.  You know how to come down on your belly, but are so delighted to climb up that you usually just keep right on going.  If you sneak off and start climbing without us seeing you, you get so tickled when we come over to you.  You start to giggle and can’t decide whether to keep going or come down!  I love seeing you trying to quickly make your way to a place you aren’t supposed to be!  You start crawling faster and faster and breathing heavy with excitement.  I almost hate to stop you, but it’s usually Lucy’s dog bowl that you are after and that’s just gross to play in.
You are learning so many cute tricks!  You wave hello and bye regularly now, except sometimes you refuse to tell us bye in the morning.  Maybe that is how you express your dislike for us going away from you.  You clap your hands and are so proud of yourself when you do it!  You also raise your arms when I ask you how big you are to say, “So big!”  Sissy loves to do that with you and to play pat-a-cake with you.  You are getting into peek-a-boo and will even cover your face with your hands sometimes to mimic us.  It is all just darling. 
You are amused and delighted by your sissy.  She loves you a lot too, but she is starting to grow impatient with you getting her things.  You are now pulling things of hers off the sofa and on to the floor to play with them yourself and she gets a little upset over that.  She sometimes takes her things back from you and that breaks your heart.  You guys will work it out as all siblings do. 
I fall in love with you all over again each day.  You look at me with those big, dark eyes and have such love in them.  You smile a sweet, toothy smile at me any time I walk by you.  You just bring such a joy with you that has to be experienced.  I feel so lucky that I get to have it every day.  Being a parent is hard work, but you bring so much happiness and enjoyment for life that it is so very worth all the work.  I feel lucky to have the job of being your momma. 


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