School Days

Yesterday was school picture day for Sarah Graves and this is how we practiced.  Her teachers said she looked sweet for her picture, so fingers crossed for a good one!

It was also curriculum night at her school.  Who would have thought at two years old we would be going to curriculum night!  It was nice to hear about how the teachers integrate educational aspects into what often seems like play.  The early preschool teachers demonstrated how they did this recently when the kids saw a rainbow outside and they used that to talk about weather and also to teach about colors while they painted.  I know I had my concerns about sending her to school full time, but she has demonstrated that she learns a lot there.  She learns a lot from the social interaction, but also about the seasons, counting, colors, shapes, and other preschool building blocks.  She also comes home singing new songs and now knows a lot of the nursery rhymes that Lovie and I have been saying for her since birth.  It's a lot of fun to see things click for her!


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