Letter Month One

Dear Charlie,

Who would believe a month would fly by so quick!  It seems like just yesterday that I reached for you in the water and our eyes locked seeing each other for the first time.  We have known each other much longer and that is evident by the way that you look at me, respond to the sound of my voice, and feel comforted just by me picking you up.
Your Daddy and I always knew there was a place for a Charlie in our family and we patiently waited for you to join us.  We are so glad that we did because you have been a wonderful addition to our family.  Your big sister has loved you from the start!  She runs to you to give you kisses and hugs.  She also tells you, "I love you, Charlie" and "It's okay Charlie."  She has only had a few moments of jealousy when all attention is on you, which is pretty good for a little girl who is two.  Your Grancy has been to see you and Aunt Nay, Lovie, and Pops find it hard to stay away!
For your first month, you have been through a lot of firsts.  You had your first real bath, a party to celebrate you, attended music class, went to church, experienced your first rally to support birth choices, and made your first trip to the beach!   You took to it all quite well and have easily taken to the activity of our family.
Our nursing relationship started off a little rough because there was so much milk that you were overwhelmed and had a tough time settling in to eat.  We got some tips and within a couple of weeks you had it figured out.  You are quite the eater!  In fact, you were well past your birth weight before you were two weeks old!  When you are hungry, that is the only time that you really get upset and cry loudly.  You sleep well during the day and do pretty well at night.  At night you prefer to sleep in Momma's arms, but I don't mind.  You like being snuggled up to me and we both get some sleep that way.
Before you came along it was hard for me to imagine having a second baby.  During the pregnancy with you I fell in love and during your birth I felt like we were really a team.  Now that you are here, I am completely taken with you and couldn't imagine life being any different.  You are a sweet, bright-eyed baby and I love how snuggly you are.  You give me the sweetest looks and have even smiled at me from the smart.  You melted my heart the night you were born and I can't wait to watch you grow and be your Momma.



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