Lucy, Lucy

Poor Lucy.  She went to the vet last week and Aaron asked about some tear stains that she has on her face.  The vet checked it out and thought that her eyelid was a little curled causing her eyelashes to rub against her eye and for her to produce more tears.  Sometimes this is caused by allergies, but the vet isn't sure what caused it for Lucy.  He recommended an eye specialist and we are fortunate to have one not far from us.  Aaron took her yesterday and the specialist confirmed our vet's opinion that she essentially needs an eye lift procedure to keep her eyelid from rubbing against her eye.  The surgery will require her to wear a halo collar for a few weeks while it heals, but hopefully that will take care of the issue. 

 Our vet also noticed that Lucy has a wart growing in her mouth.  Apparently, this is just something that happens sometimes.  He said that he can likely remove it while she is sedated for the eye surgery.  Poor Lucy.  She has been so healthy and now at only 4 years old she has a couple of issues.  She doesn't seem bothered by them, but that has to be uncomfortable to have your eyelashes rubbing against her eye. 


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