Letter Month Nineteen
Dear Sarah Graves,
You are just nonstop energy and you are such a fun girl. You have learned to twirl in circles and you run around on tiptoes making me think of a little ballerina, except you are constantly running while you do it! We tried out a kids inflatable play area, Kangazoom, and you loved it! You went from thing to thing bouncing, climbing, and sliding. Daddy and I had just as much fun as you did with it! We also discovered that you love to run in sprinklers. We bought you a slip'n slide and Lovie took you to the sprayground. As always, you are constant motion! The only way to get you to sit is to let you fingerpaint or play with stickers in your high chair. Stickers are a new passion for you that provide hours of entertainment peeling them off your fingers, put them on your body, and peeling them off again.
You are working on more and more words. You have put 2 words together a few times, which is a nice glimpse into the future when you will be telling us about all your ideas. You said, "Pops, sit" when you wanted him to stay outside and watch you play, and you said "stove hot" when you wanted me to know that you knew the stove was hot. Hot is a concept that you really get and you have a healthy, maybe slightly compulsive fear of all things hot. You food has to be almost cold before you are confident that it is not hot! You understand cold, but it seems there is very little middle ground between hot and cold for you.
Food is a tough thing to figure out for you. You seem to only want yellow vegetables and no green vegetables. We are taking a break from the green ones in hopes that you will decide to like them again. You will usually eat your oatmeal and have decided that you like pasta. You like cheese, craisins, bananas, and peaches some days and other days you want nothing to do with them. I guess some days you are just hungrier than others. We have found your favorite restaurant, Popeye's! We taught you to say it and now you often say Popeye's when we ask you what you want to eat! You really like the mashed potato and biscuit. You still nurse every morning, but our sessions are getting shorter.
You are still somewhere between one nap and two. Some days you want a nap in the morning and a second in the afternoon. Other days, you wait until 10:30 or 11 to nap and don't wake up until 1:30 making an afternoon nap unnecessary. You are still going to bed around 7:30 and getting up between 5:30 and 6 in the morning. You have started to tell us when your diaper is wet and tug at it as though you want it off. I suppose this may be the beginning signs of your readiness to potty train. I am only anxious to potty train because your poughkeepsie have become very smelly and the consistency does not make it easy to come off your diaper. Thank goodness for the diaper sprayer!
You can be so sweet and loving. Sometimes you come up behind me and wrap your arms around my leg or you will put them around my back and lean your head against me. Spontaneous kisses are also especially sweet. You are also so tender with your babies. You will hold them, tell me they are sleeping, and try to feed them a bottle. You have a sweet heart.
You will never understand how grateful I am each day for you. You are the first thing I think of each day and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep. Even when I am away from you, you are on my mind.
You are just nonstop energy and you are such a fun girl. You have learned to twirl in circles and you run around on tiptoes making me think of a little ballerina, except you are constantly running while you do it! We tried out a kids inflatable play area, Kangazoom, and you loved it! You went from thing to thing bouncing, climbing, and sliding. Daddy and I had just as much fun as you did with it! We also discovered that you love to run in sprinklers. We bought you a slip'n slide and Lovie took you to the sprayground. As always, you are constant motion! The only way to get you to sit is to let you fingerpaint or play with stickers in your high chair. Stickers are a new passion for you that provide hours of entertainment peeling them off your fingers, put them on your body, and peeling them off again.
Food is a tough thing to figure out for you. You seem to only want yellow vegetables and no green vegetables. We are taking a break from the green ones in hopes that you will decide to like them again. You will usually eat your oatmeal and have decided that you like pasta. You like cheese, craisins, bananas, and peaches some days and other days you want nothing to do with them. I guess some days you are just hungrier than others. We have found your favorite restaurant, Popeye's! We taught you to say it and now you often say Popeye's when we ask you what you want to eat! You really like the mashed potato and biscuit. You still nurse every morning, but our sessions are getting shorter.
You can be so sweet and loving. Sometimes you come up behind me and wrap your arms around my leg or you will put them around my back and lean your head against me. Spontaneous kisses are also especially sweet. You are also so tender with your babies. You will hold them, tell me they are sleeping, and try to feed them a bottle. You have a sweet heart.
You will never understand how grateful I am each day for you. You are the first thing I think of each day and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep. Even when I am away from you, you are on my mind.