Bowling Outing

Even though she has a cold, we still managed to have a fun time last weekend.  Saturday we went bowling with Pops and Aunt Nay.  Sarah Graves didn't bowl, but boy did she dance!  She liked the music they were playing and the colorful lights that shined on the floor.  She made herself a stage and went to town!

She was fascinated by the ball return machine and the "hot" air it blew. 

Pops talked to her about how the ball hit the pins, or in my case, went in the gutter!

Afterwards, we went for pizza!  I knew Sarah Graves didn't feel too good when she wasn't interested in pizza.  I guess she just didn't have much appetite.  She really liked playing with Aunt Nay at the table. 

Pops helped her "read" the menu. 


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