Little Artiste

Over the weekend, I made some fingerpaints for Sarah Graves.  I made them because I knew that she would put her fingers in her mouth and I wanted something that would be safe for her to eat.  The trusty internet was quick to provide options for making edible fingerpaints.  I chose to make mine using vanilla pudding and adding some food coloring to it. 
 I gave her some cardstock paper so that it would stand up to the weight of the paints. 

At first she focused on putting the paint on the paper.  Then, she tasted the paint and discovered how tasty it was.  After that, the paper was a distant memory and she was eating the paint by the handful! 

We 've let her paint several times and she loves it!  She eats most of it, but she puts some on her paper.  I figure it's still good for her sense of touch to put her fingers in the goopy paint. 

This is her first masterpiece that she produced.  We couldn't be prouder of our little artiste!


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