Since SG was about a month old hostesses have been bringing us kids menus and little packs of crayons. A few weeks ago I decided to let her try the crayons. She wasn't sure how to actually color on the paper and she had a hard time deciding which hand to use to hold the crayon. After a minute I noticed that she bit the tip of the crayon off, and quickly put them away. I know they aren't toxic, but who wants to see that when you change a diaper.
The other night at dinner we let her try again. She doesn't understand to put pressure in order to color on the page, but she liked holding it and trying. We watched her carefully and explained that crayons aren't for eating. We still aren't sure which hand she prefers. She switches back and forth. Aaron and I are both lefties, which of course explains why we are in our right mind :), so we are interested to see if she will prefer her right or her left. We don't really care either way; we're just curious.
The coloring is good entetainment at dinner, so we'll definitely keep practicing.
Oh I miss her so!!!!