Letter Month Fourteen

Dear Sarah Graves,
Boy, fourteen months old and you are a funny toddler.  You run, climb, and have such a funny little personality.  You seem to be developing a sense of humor that is cute to watch.  You get tickled by certain things and you still enjoy mimmicking.  The funny part is that now you know that you are doing it and get tickled yourself. 
As an infant you physically grew so fast, but you seem to have slowed down a lot.  I bought your fall clothes in an eighteen months size and thought for sure you would need the twenty-four months size for the spring.  Some of them are fitting now, but some are very roomy.  You seem to be getting taller, but I suspect you may end up being more petite.  I still love those chunky thighs and little rolls on your arms! 
You are really trying to say more words.  One of the funniest things you say is, "oh baby!"  You have said it a few times so I'm pretty certain that is what you said and you say it when you get something that you really wanted.  It is adorable!  We also determined that you call me Ba-Ba instead of Ma-Ma.  You are quite adamant when you say it, so I don't think you plan on changing your mind about it.  Baby is another word that you are starting to say, but never in reference to yourself!  Animal sounds are something that you are mastering, too.  You have the woof woof sound for a doggie down and you are working on the chicken saying cluck cluck and the duck saying quack quack.  You also make a grrrr sound for a tiger!  Cheerios are your favorite and you have picked up on calling them, "Ohs". 
You have also added some new signs to your repertoire.  You can sign all done, light, and milk.  You are attempting water, but it's a little hard to identify.  Pointing is something that you have really started doing.  It took a while for us to realize that you often point with your thumb or with your wrist, but you also use your index finger. 
You are still eating like a champ.  We have recently begun giving you dried fruits and you think they are wonderful!  You also love oranges and can eat a whole one by yourself.  Broccoli is probably your favorite vegetable and it surprises me so that you don't like pasta.  Your tastes will continue to change, so you may have a different opinion about that in the future.  You are doing a much better job drinking from your cup, but you will only drink water from it.  You make an ugly face when we try putting milk in it!  We'll see if that changes later.  You will spend a long time in your high chair during mealtimes.  You love to have a magazine or book to flip through while you eat.  I think you learned that from watching Pops!
You are still an excellent sleeper.  You take two solid naps every day and sleep through the night.  I am so grateful for that.  Daddy and I protect your sleep as best we can because you are so happy when you are well-rested. 
Your swingset in the backyard is a big attraction for you.  You love to swing and to slide.  You will often look out the window pointing at it and letting me know you want to play on it.  I hope that we have many evenings outside swinging and listening to you giggle. 
You are a little shy with strangers and have some separation anxiety, but we don't really want to be apart from you anyway!  Overall, you are just a delightful baby.  You smile and waive when you see people and you give us hugs and kisses without even being asked.  I'm thankful for every day.


Nikki said…
Oh just so sweet!!

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