5 Days

Leading up to the beginning of Lent Aaron and I decided that we would start the 17 Day Diet.  I had a few reasons, the two biggest were probably my dreadful addiction to sugar and my desire to model good eating habits for SG.  We gave it a lot of thought, talked about the foods we would be eating, and some of the foods that we would not be eating. 
In case you haven't heard about it, the 17 Day Diet has been quite popular with TV shows like The Doctors and the Dr. Oz show.  The program goes through 4 phases and each one lasts for 17 days.  During phase 1 you can eat as much lean chicken, turkey, and fish, non-starchy vegetables, and egg whites as you like.  You eat 2 servings a day of fat free, no sugar added yogurt (greek yogurt is recommended) and fruit.  You are encouraged to drink green tea several times a day, warm lemon water in the morning, and at least 7 glasses of water a day.  You can have up to 2 T. of olive oil or flaxseed oil a day as a fat and you can also have 2 egg yolks a day.  I thought the program sounded good because it focuses on high protein, low sugar foods to keep you more satisfied and it is focusing on a low fat diet with few processed foods.  With the unlimited protein and veggies there really isn't any reason to walk around hungry. 
So, we have completed 5 days on this program and I think I have mixed feelings about it.  First, I dropped weight quickly and noticed an immediate difference, which is encouraging.  Second, I really miss my dessert and my snacks.  I don't think I realized how much I looked forward to treats to get through my day; this probably says something about what I spend my days doing, but I'll address that at nother time.  I rarely get to the point where there is nothing left to eat, it's more this feeling of wanting something more.  I find myself checking my watch as though I am waiting until it's time to eat a cookie.  This might be an indicator of just how addicted I am to sweets. 
So, 12 more days to go before I move on to the second phase and am able to add back some limited carbs like sweet potatoes and oatmeal.  I am actually looking forward to a sweet potato!  Until then, I will keep looking through the forum available on The Doctors' webpage where people have been posting their recipes and helpful hints. 


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