During the winter we were inspired to go to Mt. Rushmore and see the Black Hills of South Dakota. Initially, we wanted to go for spring break, but determined it would likely be too snowy driving in that area for us. So, we planned it for summer! Aaron and I had fun planning the stops - hotel, restaurants, and sites to see. We had several nights of dueling laptops and tablets at the table as we looked up and compared our options!
This was our first vacation that wasn't beach or amusement park focused, so we weren't sure what the kids would think of it. We gave them the generally plan, but didn't share all the details so there would be some mystery.
Since we were spending time in the car each day and stopping somewhere new each night, we put some thought into how to pack the car to make it manageable. Ultimately, we decided on 1 suitcase that had everyone's toiletries, swimsuit, and pajamas. A separate container had all the outfits that we packed like I do when the kids go to camp - shirt, shorts, underwear, socks all rolled up in a bundle and secured with a rubber band. Each evening when we unloaded at the hotel, we picked a bundle and stuck it in the suitcase for the next day. We brought a large bag to put all the dirty clothes in, which made it easy to unload and do laundry at the end of the trip. Overall, we felt this packing set up worked well for going in and out of so many hotels. Sarah Graves being a darling tween did not want her clothes packed with everyone else's, but eventually came around to our method!
We had 1 bag in the back with various small toys and games for the kids to select from. In the backseat, they kept a basket of snacks, iPads, and a couple of toys they were playing with that day. I was really concerned that if the backseat was packed full they would be miserable riding each day.
Finally, it was time to head on our trip!

This stuffed animal was in a care package sent to Charlie at camp and they decided to call it "Wittle Wucy" She provided much entertainment throughout our trip!
Our first stop was Memphis and it was a mixed bag.
The Peabody Hotel lobby was lovely. As soon as we walked in, we were greeted by cool air, a lovely smell, and the sound of the piano. The lobby was a gathering spot with a lot of energy as everyone watched the ducks swim in the fountain.
Sarah Graves took advantage of the offer for kids to sit next to the red carpet!
I enjoyed the duck march and hearing the Peabody history. The Duck Master told us a lot about how the ducks came to live at the Peabody when the general manager returned from hunting with his ducks and let them swim in the fountain in the 1930's. The ducks started to draw people to the Peabody to see the activity and the bellman offered to train the ducks to march from the fountain to the elevator. Mr. Pembroke became the first Duck Master and held the role for a very long time. SG was angry we had to get there so early and wait so we could have a view!
Aaron and I couldn't help but notice that Beale St. has its own funky smell slightly different than that of Bourbon funk!
It was HOT like an oven. We aren’t used to that heat and humidity. We walked down Beale and the kids got fudge before we walked to a restaurant for dinner. The kids wanted their fudge while we waited in line to get in. Then, SG threw up! We were still in line and she was embarrassed, so Aaron called an Uber and we went back to the hotel to regroup.
We cooled off and Sarah Graves felt better, and decided to go to the Rendezvous since it was closer. When I read The Firm in school, Grisham wrote about this restaurant with such romance and I remembered the ribs being very good when I was there a long time ago. I think it has changed a bit over the years and the ribs weren't quite as good as I remembered, but the service was quick and we were hungry! Nothing there SG liked, but she ate a few bites of pecan pie, but didn’t want much because it wasn’t as good as Lovie's! Charlie found kids' nachos and chess pie and he was a happy guy!By the time we finished dinner, it was late and we headed back to hang out. The lobby was still bustling when we returned and we walked around a bit looking at some of the history in the hotel like the clothing shop that made suits for Elvis.