Children of the Corn

After a comfy night at our hotel, we were up early to get to Kansas City.
We almost left blankie at the hotel, but Sis noticed it was missing before we pulled out! The hotel staff were very friendly and happily got us a new key to retrieve it. In fact, the lady who checked us in the night before was so friendly that we thought we would never get to bed. She had lots to say about road trips and we were very tired at eleven o’clock at night!

Wittle Wucy and Buffy provide a lot of entertainment in the backseat!

We quickly got on the road to make the four hour drive to Kansas City to visit the World War I museum. On the way, we stopped at Cane’s for lunch. Yep, twice in one week! Aaron knows what makes me happy!

There was a special exhibit on the fashion scene for women during that time. Women raised their hemlines as they marched for the right to vote and wore uniforms as they took on men’s jobs in factories and farms to keep the country going.

The museum was full of memorabilia covering everything from the attitudes in Europe that led to the war; how the U.S. got involved; and of course, how the war was fought. The kids got a scavenger hunt booklet and Charlie listened to some of the audio tour with me. There were some hands-on exhibits like a trench you could walk through to get a feel for how small it was and imagine being down there for weeks. Charlie wanted to touch and climb on the canons, but it wasn’t that kind of place. 
We were surprised to learn that when they first started using planes in the war, they would throw bricks at the enemy or lean out and shoot with a pistol! A notable thing was the use of the term “no man’s land” became common during the war as that was the area the two sides were fighting for as they held their line. Charlie and I were surprised that some of their weapons were a wooden club they might put a nail through to beat their enemy with.  Yikes!

We took a ride up to the top of the memorial and had a very windy view of Kansas City! 

After the museum, we decided barbecue would be a tasty dinner. I found a restaurant that was supposed to be a good local spot. When we got to it, it was closed for a catering event! I about give up on researching restaurants. Aaron found another place way out in the country that was definitely a local place. The food was great - ribs, brisket and soft snickerdoodle cookies!
From there, we kept heading east and spent the night in St. Louis. We have driven all over Missouri seeing so much corn and the Missouri River at many spots!



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