Camp Girl

 Sarah Graves eagerly waited to go off to summer camp! She was looking forward to going with her good friend Chase and trying out a new camp-Athens Y Camp Chatooga.

We had fun getting her trunk ready with vinyl decals and stickers!

She was sure she had too much stuff, but two weeks is a long time! She got nervous at the last minute and wasn’t sure she could do it. It is very unlike her to get worried about leaving us, but we assured her we would write and in two weeks she would be home to tell us the stories!

Aaron drove the girls up. He said Sarah Graves was nervous at first, then got more excited as Chase talked about the fun to come!

Her cabin was Maka and she met some great girls!

One of her cabin mates thought to bring a rat costume!

The chalk run was an activity Chase remembered and they were looking forward to it!

Going to the cove to ride in the boat and raft was a highlight! Especially since stayovers got extra time at the cove on Sunday.

They had a July 4th theme dance. She thought the dance would be just the girls learning some dance moves! 
Turns out, old mom knows some things and it was a co-ed event. She hasn’t discovered boys yet and commented how a boy ran up and into her saying hi. He was so sweaty that she thought she might be bleeding where he touched her face!

She loves doing archery!

She had a great time at camp, made some new friends, tried new things, and can’t wait to go back next summer! She liked being there for 2 weeks, but said that was enough for her! 

We were so glad to have her home!


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