Birthday Fun!

Rainbow Bobby and Elfa Claire were hard at work getting ready for Charlie's big day!
Sponge Bob balloons for his chair.

These crazy elves had fun with crepe paper!

There was crepe paper on the mantel and they made a curtain at Charlie's doorway. 

They made a fun sign for his chair, too!

I have to say that his birthday got off to a rough start. We had a misunderstanding because he thought his birthday party would happen on his birthday. Needless to say, he was upset when he found it it was a school day. I think he thought he wasn't going to have the party like we had talked about and planned. He was beside himself upset. 

Sarah Graves very badly wanted him to enjoy his birthday. If it were possible to will someone out of a bad mood, she did it. She had the best attitude, encouraged him, and tried to help make his birthday really great. She has a big heart and wants everyone to be happy.

Eventually, her efforts paid off and he agreed that he did want birthday doughnuts.

His shirt says, "High 5's and Fist Bumps." He picked it out himself during the summer and loved it because he thought the 5 meant it was for 5 year olds! He was very proud to wear it on his birthday!

We made these Batman cupcakes to share with his class to celebrate his big day!

Ms. Jeanne made a big deal of his birthday during circle time letting him do calendar for the day, singing happy birthday to him, and giving him a birthday crown!

Daddy came to celebrate at school!

That yummy cupcake!

He was definitely a happy boy! Love seeing him so joyful!

Glad I could be there with my buddy!

Enjoying cupcakes with some of his friends.


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