Beach Day 4

Another fun day spent in the pool

They love to get their shark boards and Pops helps them "surf" on it!

We went to a souvenir shop and Sarah Graves had the idea for how fun this little boat could be. The kids enjoyed pretending sharks were after them!

Even Love jumped in and cooled off in the pool.

That evening we headed out to dinner one last time with Maw Maw, Aunt Linda, and Aunt Brenda.
Charlie and BB

Mom and Dad with Aunt Brenda and Mr. Ron

BB, Love, and Sarah Graves

A cute family pic!

Sissy and Charlie with Boo Boo and Pat

Sissy and BB

Sissy and Lovie

After dinner we headed out to an open shopping area where they do a Mardi Gras style parade in the evening. There was a big boating event in town, so this time it was a boat parade! There was good music and fun!
Sissy dancing

The boats would come by and throw beads to the onlookers. Of course, Sarah Graves and Charlie expected a full Mardi Gras parade, but this was a lot of fun!


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