5th Birthday Fun!

Aaron took care of a lot of the cooking for the yummy breakfast we served!

These cuties were ready for friends to arrive!

Charlie was very cute and made the determination that he couldn't go on playing until he ate some food!

The piƱata was a big hit with all the kids! They patiently waited for their turn, gave it a few whacks, and got back in line for more! 
Evan was ready to give it a good hit!

Andrew was getting into the piƱata!

Michael was pumped about his candy!

When there was a big hole and the piƱata finally came down, they were so excited and enjoyed picking through the candy for their favorites! It reminded me of Halloween!

Time for cake and Charlie was excited! He was eager for his moment in the spotlight and seemed to enjoy it!

Charlie, Miles, and Michael were in the same class last year and moved together this year. 

These boys all wanted in on the photo!

We had to do silly faces!

Glad to have a picture with my best buddy! I could never have imagined a little boy stealing my heart like has!

This cutie had a good time too!

Pops brought out the bounce house and we had a good time! The weather was so nice for late August!

Jeanne' snapped this picture and it is my favorite. I love how it captures the fun and joy we had celebrating him.

Miles bouncing!

Sissy was so excited for Livy to come! Livy is getting so big and able to play with the kids. 

The birthday boy! Love made his SpongeBob shirt and it came out cute!

Miles' little brother, Owen. 

Allison came with her brother, Cooper, and she and Sarah Graves enjoyed a fun play date during the party.

Sarah Graves was so proud of this cookie that she decorated! Love her artistic side!

Charlie was really excited to open his presents!

Grandaddy and MiMi sent a cool Batman raincoat.

Maw Maw gave him these pretty red shoes!

Sissy proudly read his cards to him.

Grancy and Ger Get gave him some fun toys! A minions sound toy and a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle nerf gun!

Charlie wanted to keep his party smaller and only wanted the friends that he is really close to. Every one of the friends invited came and it made for a great party! It was smaller than some we've had, but there was time to visit and enjoy each guest. Plus, I think Charlie was able to really enjoy his special day and had a good time! That's what it's all about!


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