School Boy

After months of worrying about Charlie getting into a preschool, a few weeks ago I found a school with a spot for him.  They just moved into a new space and had the ability to add another class creating an opening for a fella like Charlie.  The school is called Buckhead Prep and their main focus is teaching even the youngest children to read, write, and do math.  They also focus on enjoying learning and do music, art, and outside play as daily activities.

He is in a toddle class with children 18 to 30 months old.  There are 6 kids with two teachers in his class and he goes every day for a half day.  It is a big step for such a little guy, but we met his main teacher, Ms. Vanessa, and she seems experienced and very knowledgeable about the tiny humans.  I believe this will be a great experience for him and he will love it once he is used to it.

Today was the first day and when Ms. Vanessa came to get him from Lovie's car at drop off, she told him it was time to go and he said, "No, I not!  I watch Daniel Tiger!"  Daniel Tiger is his current fixation and that is all he wants to watch!  I couldn't help but laugh as mom relayed the story to me.

When we asked about his day he didn't offer too much.  I asked if he had fun and he said, "Ummmm, nope."  I asked if he played outside and he said, "Boys!" (pause) "Running!" We will see what tomorrow holds!


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