Pretty Princess (and a Handsome Prince!)

The kids were delighted to wake up to their Tinkerbell surprises!  I never imagined how much Sarah Graves would love those special Cinderella shoes and would not want to take them off!

We were serious about princesses and got started with breakfast at Cinderella's Castle!  This is a coveted reservation and I felt pretty proud that I was able to get one.  It was quite special to be in the park so early and walk down Main Street with a clear view of the castle.  

These princesses were all very kind and gracious.  They all kept up their character and managed to be   so sweet.  Sarah Graves was thrilled to meet each one and proudly got their autograph in her book.  I think she was a little in awe of them, but excited just the same!  We had great service and they went out of their way to make sure we were all well taken care of felt special.  


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