Letter Month Nineteen
Dear Charlie,
How quickly the time passes and each day I realize more what a big boy you are now. You look much like your Sissy, but you have your own personality and it keeps us all on our toes!
You are a talker! You can communicate quite well with words and when those don't get your meaning across you gesture and find a way to let us know. One of my favorite things that you say is, "hold you" with your arms up for us to pick you up! You tend to repeat things two to three times in a row, so it sounds more like, "Hold you! Hold you!" You also call, "help" and "stuck" when you need it. You have been learning animal sounds and surprise us all when you begin to meow and pretend you are a cat! You are also fond of roaring like a lion and woofing like a dog. Similar to your sister, you say, "mer" when you want more of something.
You have a lot of enthusiasm! You wake up sometimes and tell me you want to eat and when I tell you we can go downstairs to get breakfast, you begin moving your legs fast, clap your hands, and say, "Yay!" I love to see your face light up when you see your sister. You are always happy to see her! You also get excited to go outside and ride in your car and despite having a cast on, you are enthusiastic about taking a bath! You have fallen in love with the iPad and with Frozen! Every princess or Barbie looking thing is Anna to you! You also like Olaf and ask repeatedly to see them. Like your sister, you use your thumb to point to things when playing on the iPad.
You continue to enjoy nursing a few times a day. You have always been a different nurser, and nursing you as a toddler is definitely interesting. You switch from side to side frequently and know how to say, "other side" to tell me you want to switch! I find it quite amusing, but miss the days when you snuggled in and it was more relaxing.
Your sleep is gradually getting more consistent. You sleep through the night some nights and then we will have a tough night where you wake up multiple times. Your dad loves you so much and does a lot of the getting up at night. You usually fall back asleep once you have your paci and someone to pat your back. Sometimes you wake up and tell us, "poop", which could mean you pooped or it could mean you are wet. Either way, you want a diaper change! You typically go to sleep between 7:30 and 8, and you wake up anywhere between 5 and 6:30. You are struggling with wanting to give up your morning nap and some days you need it, while other days you manage to stay awake until late morning.
You continue to be a good eater. You enjoy fruits, meats, and of course, breads. The only vegetable you seem to like is cauliflower or broccoli. The rest of them you may nibble on and then you are done. Some of your favorite things are pancakes, Greek yogurt, grapes, and breakfast sausage. You eat quite a bit, but you use up most of it and seem to be losing some of the roundness you had as a baby. You wear a size 2T clothes and a size 7 shoe. You really are growing into a big boy!
I continue to love how sweet you are and how much you enjoy being held close and snuggled. I love the way that you rest your head on my shoulder and gently pat my arm. It is so tender and the sweetest thing. I love those moments with you and will always remember them fondly. I hope that you continue to grow to be a sweet and loving boy.
How quickly the time passes and each day I realize more what a big boy you are now. You look much like your Sissy, but you have your own personality and it keeps us all on our toes!
You have a lot of enthusiasm! You wake up sometimes and tell me you want to eat and when I tell you we can go downstairs to get breakfast, you begin moving your legs fast, clap your hands, and say, "Yay!" I love to see your face light up when you see your sister. You are always happy to see her! You also get excited to go outside and ride in your car and despite having a cast on, you are enthusiastic about taking a bath! You have fallen in love with the iPad and with Frozen! Every princess or Barbie looking thing is Anna to you! You also like Olaf and ask repeatedly to see them. Like your sister, you use your thumb to point to things when playing on the iPad.

Your sleep is gradually getting more consistent. You sleep through the night some nights and then we will have a tough night where you wake up multiple times. Your dad loves you so much and does a lot of the getting up at night. You usually fall back asleep once you have your paci and someone to pat your back. Sometimes you wake up and tell us, "poop", which could mean you pooped or it could mean you are wet. Either way, you want a diaper change! You typically go to sleep between 7:30 and 8, and you wake up anywhere between 5 and 6:30. You are struggling with wanting to give up your morning nap and some days you need it, while other days you manage to stay awake until late morning.

I continue to love how sweet you are and how much you enjoy being held close and snuggled. I love the way that you rest your head on my shoulder and gently pat my arm. It is so tender and the sweetest thing. I love those moments with you and will always remember them fondly. I hope that you continue to grow to be a sweet and loving boy.