Cast All Gone

Charlie got his cast off on Tuesday!  He had it on for 8 weeks and we were all glad to be done with it!  He was happy to get it off, but a little nervous too.  I think he wondered what they might do next.  After all, he had two other casts. 
Dr. Lourie examined his hand and checked the x-rays.  The bone in the finger is straight now, but a tendon is tight and causing it to turn in a little.  We met with the occupational therapist and she made a splint for his finger to pull that tendon and try to stretch it.  She also showed me how to stretch his finger in order to help the tendon relax and allow the finger to be straight.  He doesn't like any of it!
He rips the splint off after just a minute and he pulls his finger away when I reach to stretch it.  I manage to stretch it, but we will have to do something different for the splint....
Here's a picture of the signatures he acquired from the Easter Bunny and the lady who cut his hair!  He was very proud of his Easter Bunny signature!
We helped him celebrate by taking a big, long bubble bath!  He watched Sissy splash around in the tub all that time and really wanted to do it too!   He has definitely enjoyed the freedom of not having the cast!  He is a little protective of his finger, but he is getting more comfortable.


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