
Sarah Graves had her four year well-visit with Dr. Pitts.  She is in great health and growing well.  Because she is a little older now they gave her a paper gown to wear.  She was delighted with it!  
She is 41 inches tall (57th percentile) and weighs 36 pounds and 4 ounces (47th percentile).  Her hearing is great and she is doing all the cognitive things a four-year-old should do.
The pediatrician wanted to be sure she gets enough exercise and that her screen time is limited - both of them are just right.  He was a little concerned about her eating habits and would like me to speak to the occupational therapist and insist that we focus on oral motor activitiy.    We did an evaluation with OT, but haven't had any therapy sessions yet.
She received a vaccine for Hepatitis A and also had her iron levels checked.  She wasn't thrilled about having needle sticks, but she was very brave and got through it with ease. 


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