Letter Month Eighteen

Dear Charlie,
I just can't believe how fast the time flies!  You are becoming such a big boy and sometimes I like it and sometimes I wish we could just stay like we are right now.  My favorite moments are those holding you in the nursery and watching your beautiful face while you nurse.  It is by far the most rewarding time to be your momma.  
The biggest event for you has been the surgery on your hand.  We decided it was the right thing to do and you have handled it so well.  You really haven't complained and adjusted to the cast so quickly.  I'm sure a full arm cast isn't comfortable and it has to be frustrating not being able to use that hand, but you have adapted and found ways to do what you wanted.  Sometimes the cast is like a crutch or a cane you can use to get leverage and other times it feels a bit like a weapon!  I think the hardest part of the whole thing may have been keeping you from nursing or eating before the surgery!  You signed to nurse and told us you wanted to eat many times that morning.  
The other excitement has been the snow!  To have two snow falls in the same winter is unusual in Georgia and you thought it was fun.  Sledding really got you excited and you asked to do it again!  You weren't so fond of falling down walking around in it, but you thought the sledding was fun.  You were absolutely adorable when you sat down next to the snowman and started saying hi to it!  Maybe you thought it was like Olaf from the movie Frozen.
You have a fun personality!  You are a funny kid with a real sense of humor.  You definitely understand when you are being funny and will get so tickled with yourself for that.  You also love to join in everyone else's laughter!  Your awareness of what is being said around you is amazing and you pick up on things that I would never think a toddler paid attention to.  You will hear us talking about something and the next thing you know, you went and found something we were talking about and brought it to us.  You are playful and love to tease.  You have an affinity for toes and will giggle as you pretend you are going to bite someone's toe!  Sometimes you actually do bite and it hurts.  You like to find a hiding spot and giggle as you wait for us to find you!  You also like to grab a paci or toy that you know Sissy loves and take off running and laughing with it!  You usually give it back readily, but like to get everyone worked up over it.
You also have a gentle, sweet side.  You love to rock and cuddle with us.  You also like to be held a lot and will sweetly lay your head on my shoulder and pat my arm gently, much the same way that I pat your back to soothe you.  It is very sweet.  You don't have a favorite, but you pick up dolls or stuffed animals and give them hugs and grin.  You also give Sissy hugs very sweetly.  You both love each other a lot.  
We have a sleep routine that works pretty well and you actually sleep through the night some now.  We put on pjs and brush your teeth; then, Daddy rocks you and reads several books to you.  Then, I come in and we rock and nurse until you are asleep.  Some nights you are just drowsy when I lay you down, but usually you drift off in my arms and I watch you sleep for a minute before I lay you down. I think sometimes that you need to be rocked and nursed as a way to remind me to slow down and take my time with you.  Those moments holding you soft and cuddled against me are very precious.  That's when I know I am so lucky to be your momma.  


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