Frozen Mania

We have been non-stop Frozen mania since she saw the movie back in December.  When we downloaded the song, "Let It Go", the mania rose to new heights.  She saw it twice in the theater, owns the dolls, worships the soundtrack, wears the shirt anytime it's clean, has the Anna costume, and when the movie was available for download - sheer heaven.  The timing was actually perfect because she was home with a stomach virus that day and it was a great time to let her veg out and watch it as a continuous loop!
She loves to act out scenes from the movie and pretend that she is Elsa.  She wears her Elmo blanket like the cape because it is long like Elsa's and of course she needs her tiara.  She will have me hold out objects for her to take and place the tiara on her head just like the coronation ceremony.  My favorite part is when she pretends to make the snow and ice and she steps out with her foot and does her hand out like Elsa.  She is already talking about plans for her Frozen birthday party when she turns 5 and our Halloween costume (Lucy can be Sven!)  Sad thing is, I love the music and have happily blared it in the car while singing along with her for the past few weeks!   It reminds me of my love of Annie as a child.


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