
Sometimes I have random thoughts or funny tidbits about our life that I want to remember.

Getting everyone up and ready to go to church feels like an olympic event many Sundays.  One Sunday after getting everyone out the door with time to grab a bagel before church, I looked at Aaron as we sat down and asked him to make sure I put a diaper on Charlie!  I had this odd feeling that maybe in all the rush I had forgotten to put the clean one on.  I had remembered - thank goodness!

After months of nursing and pumping, I sometimes catch myself looking down at my chest at work to be sure that I did in fact close my shirt!  So far, I have been covered every time.

Yesterday Sarah Graves told me she was a little upset.  When I asked her what she was upset about, she replied, "I told Daddy that I wanted to marry you and he said I couldn't."  I told how Daddy just got to me first, but she could be my best girl.

While eating breakfast with her, she asked me how babies come out.  I tried to be honest and explained that babies give mommas a signal when they are ready and the momma's muscles start working very heard to push the baby out.  Her next question was where they come out.  I quickly decided that I wanted to be honest and straightforward about it - her eyes were huge when I told her they come out the vagina!  That definitely was not a conversation I had practiced yet!  Thank goodness she didn't ask how they are made.  I haven't quite got that explanation rehearsed yet.

Charlie does an adorable side to side head wiggle while grinning.  He does it to be playful and when he knows he shouldn't do something.  He is SO cute with it!

I was nursing him during the middle of the night the other night and half asleep while doing it when he finished, crawled up to my face, gave me a big baby kiss, patted me, and let me know he was ready to go back to his bed.  He was asleep in my arms before I got to the hallway.

Sarah Graves often speaks like an adult and with her glasses on, she looks so grown up doing it!  We had a lot of different things to bring to school and I had put some of her things in her backpack to cut down on how many things I had to carry.  While we were walking in, she stops, looks up at me with concern, and says, "where's my binkie?"  I reminded her that I had put it in her backpack and she looked at me with a big grin and such relief and said, "oh, I just have so much stuff that it gets confusing!"

Sometimes I look at these kids and I just want to consume them; I love them so much.  I wonder if all parents feel that way about their children or if it's only the lucky ones.  Either way, I'm grateful.  My one wish is that my children get to have children of their own so they can fully appreciate just how much I love them.


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