Letter Month Twelve

Dear Charlie,
My goodness, a year with you sure has gone by quick!  You have let your own personality shine through and you are a joyful little guy. 
 Your biggest accomplishment has been learning to walk!  Just a week before your birthday and you took those first bold steps.  Once you took those first steps, you haven’t looked back and walk every chance you get.  You were a fast crawler, but your walking speed is picking up every day!  You are so proud of yourself when you make your way to someone’s arms or to something that you really want!
That brings me to another set of accomplishments, climbing.  You are a climber and remind us a lot of your sister as you look for objects to use to get to what you want!  I think it’s like solving a puzzle for you and the delight you have when you figure it out!  You have learned to climb on the coffee table at home and the train table at Lovie and Pops’!  You have also learned to climb on the stepladder, so no item on the counter is safe! 
You look so cute!  You have the most darling curls in your hair and I don’t know if I will ever be willing to cut them!  We thought you had cute fuzzy head when you were born and now the curls are just too much!  You have these sweet, fat cheeks and big brown eyes that look right at us.  Your baby thighs are just so precious, too!  Even Sissy says that she could just eat you up!  You are a big guy at nearly twenty-four pounds and wearing a size 18/24 month clothing.   
You have seven teeth now and thoroughly enjoy eating.  You still love your meat, but also eat fruits, veggies, breads, and pasta quite happily.  Your first taste of cake was pure love for you.  You loved it so much that we gave you a second piece!  You eat with such enthusiasm that we love to give you new things to try and watch your face as you consider the flavor and chew it up.  You have a funny habit that you want to feed yourself everything.  You will let someone put a bite in your mouth, but then you reach in and pull it out to look at it before putting it back in and eating it!   You are a very big water drinker.  It is nothing for you to drain your entire cup at the start of a meal! 
I have been hesitant to write about it, but for the past few weeks your sleep seems to be getting better.  You are going to sleep without a lot of help from us, and then staying asleep for five hours or more many nights.  You still come to our bed usually to nurse and some nights you remain there and other nights you are restless until I bring you back to your bed and you go back to sleep.  It has made a huge different for your dad and me!  I think you feel better too and most days are taking two naps.  Your sister still out naps you, but you are getting there!  The car is still probably your favorite place to sleep.  You start riding and you go to sleep quickly. 
We have also started back to music class and I think you enjoy it.  You watch a lot, but you rock with the rhythm and enjoy the instruments.  You like listening to the songs at home too.  We play with scarves in music and you really enjoy waving it around and putting it over your head! 
We took another trip to Shreveport for Aunt Arden’s wedding and you did very well.  You were happy on the plane and pretty patient at all the events for the wedding.  Your whole family just delighted in you and you happily showed off some of your party tricks!  It makes me feel so good to see how many people love you. 
I can’t tell you how much love I have for you.  From the first moment I held, I felt privileged to be your mother.  You are a gift to me and I hope you feel that.  You have brought so much laughter and joy to us that I just can’t begin to tell you.  Your whole family delights in you and so do most people that you meet.  You are just that lovable and charming.  I am just grateful that I get to be your momma and have the chance to enjoy you.  I can’t wait to see what your second year is like.  I know it will be full of joy.


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