
Showing posts from June, 2013


Charlie had his nine month check-up with Dr. Maun a couple of weeks ago.  Overall, he is doing just great.  His weight is 21 pounds, 13 ounces (78th percentile), height is 29 inches (63rd percentile), and head circumference is 18 1/4 (84th percentile).  He is hitting all of his milestones and happily showed off some of them for the nurse.  He is eating, playing, and dirtying diapers just the way they would expect.  The pediatrician continues to tell me that he is nursing so much at night because he is waiting for his time with me.  Perhaps she could dig the knife in my heart a bit more!  She means well and at least it sort of explains why he is taking little milk during the day and nursing like a pro at night.  He had his DTaP vaccine and was scheduled for a rotavirus, but we are so off schedule that he passed the age range for it!  We are trying to get caught up from all those months when we stayed sick and didn't do shots. 

Letter Month Ten

Dear Charlie, Ten months old just doesn’t seem possible!  This time last year we were putting the final touches on your nursery and trying to imagine what our life would be like with you outside of me.  Here you are ten months old and growing every day and just bursting with life.  Your smile is infectious and you bring so much joy to all of us.  While you may not look a lot like me, your love of meat tells me that you are definitely mine!  You love any kind of meat!  Steak, chicken, pork, fish, sausage, you love it all.  When you are feeding yourself meat, you drop none of it.  Fruits and veggies seem to be a different story.  One day you will like sweet potatoes a lot and the next day you aren’t interested.  It goes like that for carrots, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, strawberries, bananas, cherries, and peaches, too.   Your enjoyment of food seems to be making you desire less milk, especia...

Sunday Stroll

Sunday afternoon, Aunt Nay came over to play with SG and Charlie.  She took SG and Kate out for a walk.  As Mommy, Sarah Graves pushed Kate's stroller.  Lucy got to go on the walk and they had a ball!  SG loved directing the play as they took care of Kate and another doll who was Kates friend, Annabelle.  They even took care to feed the babies, plan and host Kate's birthday (a daily event for Kate), and finally bathe and put the babies to bed.  Charlie hung out with them and mostly chewed on the pretend food!


This guy is a climber!  He can climb up the stairs completely on his own.  We let him do it, but we do stand a couple of steps back JUST IN CASE.  He knows how to come down too, but typically only comes down a step or two before he starts climbing up again!   Pictures just don't do his cuteness justice!

Sunday Breakfast

Sunday morning we celebrated Pops at breakfast.  We had a great time and enjoyed all being together.  

Pool Time!

We have been enjoying our swim club.  Sarah Graves loves the water and Charlie likes it pretty well, too! Friday night, Lovie and Pops joined us!  We picked up dinner and ate it at the pool before our swim.   So glad we have access to a pool somewhat close and can enjoy it regularly!

Baby Shot!


Rockin' Birthday Bash!

On Sunday we went to our friend Boyd's fifth birthday.  It was a rockin' music themed party.  The kids started off by making drums out of Homer buckets, then they had a parade, dressed themselves up to perform as a garage band, had an Elvis impersonator, and finished it off playing in the sprinklers!  Charlie was there hanging out and taking it all in!   Boyd's Dad, David, is my manager so several of my co-workers were there and we took the opportunity to pose with Elvis!  

Fun Fair

She thoroughly enjoyed Spirit Week and comes alive any time she hears this song!

Spirit Week Finale

SG LOVED Spirit Week!  She was excited to go each day and the finale showed us just how much she loved the music and the crafts.  She was also thrilled to get a t-shirt and even more so that it was green, her favorite color! I remember feeling that same excitement after camp in the summer or after Happening.  You just loved it so much and people who weren't there don't know how good it felt. I hope she has that same joy many times more.

Getting Cozy!

These two had fun playing with the cozy coupe the other night!  Charlie pushed SG in it like she was queen of Mardi Gras and then she took a turn pushing him!  Love watching them play together.

Our Little Explorer

This boy is a fearless crawler!  He will work his way under anything!


My Uncle Ronnie and his wife, Chris were visiting last week and came over for dinner one evening.  Sarah Graves had such a good time playing with Mallory!  Mallory is 12 now and we met her when she was about Sarah Graves' age.  They look similar to one another and Sarah Graves reminds me a lot of Mallory at this age.  Mallory was talkative and had a spunky personality.  She referred to herself as Mall O ry.  She was really sweet to play in the basement all evening with SG and she played with Charlie during the day at Lovie and Pops'.  SG keeps talking about her "friend" and temporarily thinks her friend's name is Lauren!


Sarah Graves has been wanting to plant flowers and we just never find time to get to Home Depot to buy any.  Friday I decided that when I picked her up from school, we would go do that.  Of course, it was pouring when we got there and I didn't want to walk around getting wet while we picked out some flowers.  So, we bought seeds that were under the covered area and kept us dry!  We bought several kinds in hopes that something would take hold and grow for her.  We planted basil, lemon balm, zucchini, sunflowers, and some other type of flower.  The herbs will likely grow since we have good luck with those.  We'll see about the rest.  She liked doing it and it made her feel like a team to do it, which is the most important part!

First Date

I just saw that this never posted!  He took her to this event in February! Aaron took Sarah Graves on her first date Saturday night.  Chick-Fil-A hosted a father-daughter date night and Aaron made reservations to take Sarah Graves.  She had a good time going with daddy and I think she felt pretty special getting her own flower and a chick-fil-a cow!  Fries and ice cream for dinner were right up her alley, too! Hopefully, this is the start of a fun tradition for them.

Spirit Week!

Spirit Week is what our church calls Vacation Bible School.  I like to think they call it this because the kids are filled with the Holy Spirit.  I can't believe Sarah Graves is old enough to go!  She is in the Australia class and our friend Greg is in her class.  She didn't talk a lot about it yesterday, but it must have been fun because she jumped up and got ready to go today! She was a little nervous yesterday, but she was brave when it was time for me to drop her off and she was very excited that Aunt Nay came to pick her up! I hope that we hear more stories about what they do there as the week goes on!

Letter Month Nine

Dear Charlie, Nine months old feels like a big milestone.  You have now been out in the world almost as long as you were inside of me!  You are staying very busy and the time is just flying by!   You are growing so fast that I can hardly keep up!  You wear size 18 month clothing, which I sometimes can't believe!  You have two teeth on the bottom and are about to have one on top, too!  Even though you don't have a mouth full of teeth, you chew your food like you do.  Speaking of food, you seem to be a fan of that.  You will eat most things that we give you.  So far you have eaten any meat, fish, or shellfish that we give you; you especially enjoy yellow veggies; you really like foods like pizza and tortilla chips; you have tried a few different beans and eat those; and you eat scrambled eggs;.  On our recent trip to Shreveport, you enjoyed catfish, hushpuppies, fried shrimp, and twice baked potatoes and that was just at Ralph and ...


A couple of weeks ago Sarah Graves made the transition to preschool.  Two of her friends from her early preschool class moved with her and she seems to be doing well.  She would still like for me to stay with her each day, but these teachers kindly pick her up and try to get her engaged in an activity.  When she made the move, her paci stayed in her other classroom for the new babies coming in.  I think she had a tough time going to sleep the first few days, but her teacher rubbed her back and she was okay.  I was pleasantly surprised!  She is working on all sorts of new skills in her new class, the biggest is learning to write her name!  She isn't there yet, but her letter and number recognition are making big strides.  She loves the idea of being able to write, so I'm sure it won't take her long!  They continue to practice Spanish in this class and the sprayground has just opened up for summer water play!  This class uses t...


This sweet boy is finally through the worst, but he is getting four top teeth all at the same time.  Over the weekend he ran fever, had a runny nose, and has drooled like crazy.  Poor love just wanted to be held and soothed through it.  I love that feeling when his body finally relaxes and sleep brings a reprieve from the discomfort.

Thrush and Other Fun!

For several weeks I had a lot of discomfort when Charlie nursed, mostly on the left side.  At first I thought he had nursed too long at night and it was sore.  Then, it hurt to pump and I really didn't want him to nurse at all.  That's when I started googling.  I wanted to google something like, "nursing feels like being stabbed with a hot poker!" That's how it felt.  It was totally different than the pain of a clogged duct.  It felt like it was burning and anything touching it hurt. I read about the saliva of teething babies bothering mom's skin, having a milk blister where milk gets trapped and dries causing a clog, and thrush was another possibility.  The descriptions for most of these said it would affect both sides, but for me it was really just the left.  I let it go for a day or two waiting for some more definitive symptom to identify the problem.  The area didn't really look any different.  It kept getting worse so I started goog...

Ballet Recital

Saturday was a busy day going to her first gymnastics class and then getting ready for her first ballet recital. We weren't sure what to expect since this was her first time on stage, but her performance was just as darling as we hoped!  She got excited to see us in the beginning and came running toward us, so the M.C. led her back to her spot and she was terribly embarrassed.  My heart broke for her, but eventually she recovered and joined her friends dancing!  We are so proud of her for getting on stage and performing. Tap is something that she just picked up in the last few weeks and let me tell you, that was a tapping kid on stage!  She really enjoyed it! She was excited about the trophy and her bouquet, but not as much as she was about that cupcake they gave her!  She had to have some immediately!