Special Days

SG loves to be with her grandmothers!  She was thrilled to have them with us last weekend and would prefer if all of her grandparents would move in with us!  Although I don't think it is feasible for us to all live together, I do think children were meant to have all of their family close by.  We have to enjoy the times when we are all able to visit.
SG stayed home from school that Friday so that she could have some special time to be with everyone. They had an adventure shopping and meeting Daddy for lunch.  After her nap, she went on an adventure with Grancy and Gramma to find some more kids' tattoos!  It was quite an adventure as the GPS kept taking them in the wrong direction and SG pointed out all the stores we frequent to them!  She tried to direct them as best she could by telling them to go right on Atlanta Road!

SG was so excited to sit down and do "art" with Mamma.  Mamma was excited that SG talked to her and called her Mamma like she had been seeing her pretty often.

We always say that SG looks like Aaron, but in this picture you can see just how much she looks like Mamma, two pretty ladies.

The two best co-grandmothers with my two favorite babies!

We love Gramma.  She spent special time helping SG paint and "hiding" the fork with her!  When Gramma referred to herself as a nut, SG said she was "nutty like Lovie!"  We now refer to her as Nutty Gramma in the most affectionate way possible1

SG loves her Grancy.  She had a great time being silly and performing for Grancy.  She is also in LovE with the Hello Kitty shirt that Grancy brought her and thinks of Grancy every day when she gets on her step stool that Grancy made her.  

We had a wonderful visit with them and mostly stayed close to home and let the kids just enjoy having these special ladies with us for a few days.  I think we all enjoyed it quite a bit.


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