Letter Month Five

Dear Charlie,

You are a five month old little pumpkin.  You bring us so much joy and we just adore you.  Any time someone catches your eye you have a smile for them.  You also laugh out loud, which is an absolute delight.  Sometimes I’m not even sure what tickled you, but I love hearing your giggle.  You are also a talker.  You love to make ah and guh sounds and will even try to copy the rhythm or pitch of sounds I make.  
You are quite strong.  You can now roll in both directions and happily go from your back to your tummy and sometimes back again!  You are also pushing yourself up on your arms, which gives you a better view.  You have also been working on grasping things and seem to love to get my hair and my earrings in your grasp! 
You are a loving little guy.  One of your favorite things is to grab my face and give me a slobbery kiss.  It probably wouldn’t be so great coming from any other baby, but from you it is so sweet. 
You have outgrown your bassinet and we are working on you sleeping in your crib more.  You prefer to sleep for about 30 minutes at a time during the day, but we are working on you taking a longer nap and sometimes you actually surprise us and sleep for a long time.  In the evenings you are starting out sleeping in your crib and seem to wake up pretty frequent until around 10 or 11 when I bring you to bed with us.  Then, you are awake about every hour or so.  Some nights you just need to nurse and others you are upset and need to be bounced or patted before you will go back to sleep next to me.  This is probably one of the harder things for us right now.  Just like your sister, I’m sure one day you will be napping and sleeping like a champ. 
You are still interested in nursing and you being in a size 12 month clothing is evidence of that.  You are stretching a good 3 hours between feedings and seem to have your own little routine of nursing hard for a couple of minutes and then wanting to take breaks and come back for a little more over and over.  It’s okay when we’re at home, but a little difficult when we are out and need to get you fed.  You are still “waiting for me” to really do your feeding at night.  It is sweet to think that you like your time with me and wait to have it, but it is hard on our sleep.  We will start solids when you are closer to six months old and that may change some of your eating habits.
I’m sure it hasn’t helped your sleep that you have been kind of sick this past month.  It was some kind of infection at the beginning, then a cold, and then another virus.  We are thankful that they were all pretty mild issues, but they still made you feel yucky.  Even when you didn’t feel well you were smiley. 
Your sister is someone who makes you smile.  You will usually smile at her when she is talking to you.  One night you watched her hopping all around and started to laugh out loud!  Daddy and I were so tickled that we asked her to keep doing it just to keep making you laugh!   She loves you too and always wants to say hi to you when she gets home from school. 
Charlie, I feel so blessed to have you for my little boy.  You smile, laugh, and let us know how happy you are.  It makes my heart melt to see you such a beautiful baby and know that I helped to make you.  I just keep looking forward to knowing more and more of your personality and the wonderful boy you are.


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