Sick Pirate

Friday morning, Sarah Graves woke up saying that her bee bo (bellybutton) hurt, but asked for breakfast.  She promptly threw up and I figured we had the stomach virus that so many others have had.  I made arrangements to stay home with her and let her school know she was sick.  Shortly after, she asked for something to eat and I gave her 1 cracker.  I made her wait a little while before she could have more crackers and before I knew it a couple of hours had gone by and she wasn't sick any more and was eating me out of house and home.  I'm still not sure what to make of this strange occurrence and the throwing up came back again Sunday night after we were all in bed...
We did have a fun day together just the two of us at home.  In this picture she decided to make her new car seat into her pirate ship!  She was excited by the two cup holders on it and when I told her that one was to hold snacks she replied, "I think I need a snack.  Pirate get hungry, momma."  We used a toy of Charlie's as her parrot and a part of another toy as her sword!  Arrrr, matey!


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