Welcome Rainbow Bobbie!

Rainbow Bobbie is our Christmas elf.  Sarah Graves wanted to name him Rainbow and Aaron suggested we call him Rainbow Bobbie (say it with the accent from Talladega Nights).  So, Rainbow Bobbie it is!

In case you aren't familiar with Elf on the Shelf, it is a Christmas tradition for the family to have a Christmas elf that comes sometime at the start of the holidays usually around Thanksgiving and leaves on Christmas Eve.  According to the book, your elf keeps watch on everyone in the house and at night after you have gone to sleep, he flies to the North Pole and tells Santa all about what you did that day.  He comes back again by morning and when you wake up he has moved to a new spot in the house.  He often gets into some mischief when he comes back too!   You can't touch him because he might lose his magic and not be able to get back to Santa, but you can leave him notes.  Finding his new location and seeing his antics make for a fun time waking up!
His first night with us Rainbow Bobbie toilet papered our light!

Another morning we found him wearing Sarah Graves' mask for her breathing treatments!

He also had a tea party with Kate and some stuffed animals!

One night he brought out our Rudolph and was riding on him!

I think Rainbow Bobbie embodies all that is fun about this season!  Unexpected surprises and a little fun in every day.  I love hearing SG giggle when she finds him in the mornings and knows how silly he is!


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