Sick Princess

Our princess has been battling asthma and this past week she came down with pink eye, too.  We were at the pediatrician last Sunday because her asthma flared up, she was running a low fever, and had a terrible cough leaving her gasping for air.  Thankfully, the pediatrician did not recommend liquid steroids again, but suggested that she take two puffs on her steroid inhaler and we up the frequency of the albuterol.  That cleared up the asthma pretty quick.

That seemed to calm the asthma down, then Monday her teacher called saying her eye was hurting and she suspected pink eye.  We headed back to the pediatrician.  It was pink eye and we got an antibiotic eye drop.  Poor little princess is so practiced at the pediatrician that she willingly sticks out her tongue, takes a deep breath, and lets them check her nose and ears.  She also very excitedly looks forward to the popsicle and treasure chest!  

She had to stay home from school for a couple of days while the pink eye cleared up.  I was so thankful that Lovie and Aunt Nay could help out.  Aunt Nay played with her and did some crafts.  She even helped SG make Monster Spray.  A spray that smells like lavender and you use it to keep the monsters away at night.  SG had such a great time that she didn't want to get better and have to go back to school!  


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